Pupils are involved in a wide range of community outreach and volunteering initiatives.
St Dominic's Volunteer Pledge
Our mission statement calls us to be 'a community dedicated to ...the enhancement of human dignity'. As such, pupils are engaged in a diverse range of advocacy, volunteering and development programmes which seek to promote the equality and dignity of all human beings. St Dominic’s has signed up to the ‘Power of Youth’ Charter.
The school actively promotes and acknowledges pupil volunteering. Our yearly volunteer census identifies pupil volunteers in Years 11-14. We acknowledge all volunteering efforts through award presentations at Year Group assemblies, at our Extra-curricular Award Ceremony and via our via our school media channels. The school offers 6 specialist volunteer programmes spanning all year groups coordinated by the school’s Volunteer coordinator Miss Connolly. In addition to these structured programmes pupils can also serve in school as School Club & PE leaders, as faith volunteers, mentors and as Prefect leaders.
The school has an allocated Volunteer Coordinator who reports to the Board of Governors. We are delivery partners for the Volunteer Now Impact Awards and are a beacon school for the Get Set for Community Action programme. We have been awarded the Circle of Life Award (a N Ireland citizenship award) 3 times and our students have earned a diverse range of council, local and national awards. Social engagement is an essential part of our educational programme developing students' skills and values.